Monday, September 10, 2007

Using Community as Teaching Resources

Now days, most of our people’s paradigm about education has been changed. They look at that the resources of teaching are not only at the formal school. Home schooling is one of the methods of teaching which people can get education at home. School alternative such as truba Jorong (Dik Doang’s school) which using nature as teaching resource. The problem is only certain people can get good education since it needs lots of money. Even there is free of charge education from government, but it could not overcome education’s problem.
So how can we have good quality of human resources if education is not available?
Education is not only at formal school. We can get education around us by using community as teaching resources.
We have small community called family. Family is the first place that we get education. We learn how to make contact with other for the first time. Remember, when we first time we could walked, when we said mom, dad.
When we grew up, we joined with school community. At school, we got formal education to get knowledge and skill. We have extended our relation from family to our peer group. We learned other people outside our family.
When we got job, we are professional community. We learn how is management, how to build professional relationship. In this community we get education without payment fee but we get education and get pay.
The advantages by using community as teaching resource are:
Free of charge. You do not need to pay anything. The most important thing you have to do is you should pay attention around you and give meaning every moment you meet. And realize how the moment is influenced your life?
Unlimited time and space. We can get education whenever we want, wherever we are.
At terminal, market, on the way or here tonight.
We are as resource for others. We are not aware that People have been learned something from us. Tonight, I have been learned from Jiway, how to deliver table topic Master……and I know that Jiway does not realize this.
Fellow toastmaster and distinguished guest,
Stephen covey said that” one of the best ways to educate our hearts is to look at our interaction with other people, because our relationship with others are fundamentally a reflection our relationship with ourselves.

Wednesday, September 5, 2007


What’s your feeling if you find unexpected happening to you that you were not aware of it before? For example, you are an excellent employee in your company and you really like your job and your career. But the condition of company is not run well, so they has laid off you and tomorrow will your last day at the office.

How do you feel if you said that is not fair for me..? Sad, unhappy, disappointed, or displeased.
How do you feel if you said that does not matter since there are lot of opportunity outside, it is beginning for success, to reach your goal or dream…?

There are different response for that situation. Some of us focus on the problem, barriers, setbacks, breakdowns and focus on what's wrong with our lives and others'. We call it deficit based thinking which demagnetizes you. It sets in motion the “laws of repulsion.”
Meanwhile, Few of us focus on what’s working rather than what’s not and favors inspiration and aspiration over desperation. We called it Asset Based Thinking. Magnetized with Asset-Based Thinking, you embody the “Laws of Attraction.” This means that what you think, say, and do attracts an enormous number of external assets (the commitment, support, and dedicated efforts of other people, the inherent advantages, benefit, and rewards of every situation).

Asset-Based Thinking calls for small shifts in the way people absorb, perceive, filter, and interpret information. It changes the way we see everything, leading to dramatic improvements in the way we live and work.
Through Asset-Based Thinking anyone can lead more productive and personally fulfilling lives. We must consider three things to change the way you see from deficit base thinking to asset based thinking. First is change the way you see yourself, second is change the way you see others and the third is change the way you see the situation.
The one who really know who you are is yourself. Please find out what your asset, capability and resources. Be focus on what you have.
You can not change others but you can change yourself BY seeing others.
discern and consent to new situation
be focus to positive thing in new environment and situation
100 % commitment to involve yourself in new situation.
Noticed your thinking, it will be your words
Noticed your words, it will be your action
Noticed your action, it ill be your habit
Noticed your habit, it will be your character.